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S(t)imulating European Identity (EUSId) is an approved ERASMUS+ KA2 project with the following particioating countries: Greece, Portugal, Latvia, Filand and Romania. EUSId is about bringing European teenagers together in order to foster a European identity and consciousness based on plurality, tolerance and cooperation between individuals, as well as strengthening the European civil society by further developing democratic processes on the national and international levels. Project activities will focus on simulation procedures of European Union main institutions: the European Parliament, the European Council, the Council of the European Union, the European Commission and the European Court of Justice. The implementation of the project requires the use of Erasmus+ online platform like e-Twinning.

Home: Welcome
Home: Blog2
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Our week

Day 1

-->Introducing our school, teams icebreaking activities about Braila.

-->Travelling to Europe Direct Centre

-->Running the questionaries in Braila: "What is Brexit?"

Day 2.

-->Teaching scenarios-Brexit

-->International Coffee Break

-->Training session for the European Court

-->Written part of the procedure

Day 3

-->Bus to Bucharest

-->Study visit at the House of the Parliment

-->Trip back to Braila.

Day 4

-->Simulation Game: ECJ

-->Lunch at school

-->Continuing the Simulation Game

Day 5

-->Evaluation of the week

-->Creating this project

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